The library's protected databases are remotely available to MSOE students and employees through the library's proxy server, EZproxy. EZproxy is set to work with MSOE's Single Sign-On (SSO) system.
To access protected databases from off campus – using a non-MSOE Internet Service Provider (e.g., ATT, Charter, etc.) – click on the directlink to the database you want to access from the listings on the library's research site or any of the library's research guides.
When you click on a direct link to a database or when you click on a full-text link in Summon from off campus, you will be prompted to sign inusing your MSOE username and password. After you successfully input your MSOE username and password, you will be able to access the protected database or the full-text article.
Please note:
- In order to access the protected library databases from off campus, you must not be logged into the MSOE VPN or MyMSOE. Instead, access the databases directly from one of the links on the library’s database pages.
- One common access problem can occur when MSOE students try to log in to the proxy server while using a workplace computer and Internet connection. Many workplaces maintain firewalls. A workplace firewall might allow you to log in to the proxy server, but the firewall typically will not allow you to retrieve data via the proxy server – in this case, a connection will seem to “hang,” but in reality, the connection is being blocked. If this situation occurs when you try to access the proxy server, simply try again with a different Internet connection outside of the workplace