Welcome to summer! Hopefully you have had some time to relax post-finals and are enjoying some much needed and earned down time. Of course, this is the time you can put to things you don't have as much time to during the school year and applying to scholarships is one of them!
I'll still be posting all summer, but this is a good time to remind you that you can and should be doing your own searching too. Yes, this is the only place you'll find scholarships that are specifically for MSOE students and have internships with them, but there's no such thing as too much free money! Here is a list of scholarship websites to check out if you're looking for places to start.
Added This Week
Due This Week
None! But check out what is currentlyavailable!
MSOE Incoming & Current Students: $5,000 Melitta S. Pick Scholarship - DUE June 19th, 2017
Best of luck to all who apply!
- See more at: https://community.msoe.edu/docs/DOC-6708#sthash.AvfSRgZR.dpuf