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How do I register for classes?


Hmmm…  How do I register for classes? When do I register? How do I know what to do?  Good questions.  I have answers.



When do I register?

Registration begins on Wednesday of Week 9 and runs through Friday of week 10.   For undergraduate students, days and times are assigned in a random order within cumulative credit groups (0-24 credits; 25-47 credits, etc). These credits include transfer credit, AP credit, etc., that you have earned.   Students in the highest credit group register first.


Registration forms are now available on the myMSOE (my.msoe.edu) website. To access your form, click on the Students tab; then look for the part of the page that says ‘Winter Registration Forms’.  There will be a link that will bring up your registration form; you will need to log in a second time to open the form.The form is where you see when you are scheduled to register.  On the upper right hand corner of the form, you will see the date and time that you are scheduled to register.  People are grouped in one hour intervals.  We only assign times during the hours that our office is open. You can register anytime after your assigned time but not before.  


Where do I register?

Most students choose to register on the myMSOE (my.msoe.edu) website, but if you do not feel comfortable registering the first time by yourself or are having technical issues or are just in the area, please feel free to stop the Registrar’s Office (CC365) and we can help you.


How do I know what is being offered?

The schedule of classes is not yet available.  We hope to have it posted by the end of the week. The academic departments are doing a final proofing of their course offerings.  We will send an email when the schedule is available on myMSOE and Scheduler is open.  Scheduler is a program that allows you to enter the courses you need to take and to see different options for how those classes fit together.


What do I need to do before I can register?

  1. 1.)   Print your registration form off of my.msoe.edu.  Check for any holds you have on your account.  The reason(s) that you cannot register are identified as “Holds”.  Once the schedule is available, your holds can be seen within the Course Schedules section of the Students page within myMSOE.  The most common reasons that you cannot register are that you have a financial hold on your account, you have an advisor hold on your account, or you are trying to register too early. Check the holds carefully. 


  • The hold that says “Can’t register-check day/time” will be automatically removed when the computer system server time matches your scheduled time to register.  This hold prohibits students from registering before their scheduled timeflashred, I would.  Yes, it is that important.



Note:  It is important that you wait for your registration time to log into myMSOE.  If you are already logged in before your time, the time hold  gets ‘stuck’ and does not go away unless you log out and log back in to myMSOE.  The error will tell you that you are not authorized to add classes.


  • "Contact Student Accounts" is a hold that indicates you have an outstanding balance on your account.  You will not be allowed to register if you have a financial hold on your account.   You can check your balance within the myMSOE website at any time.  Click on the Students tab and then on the left there is a Financial Info tab.  If you have any questions about your account, please contact the Student Accounts Office (CC-437).  If you have extenuating circumstances that may prohibit you from registering because of financial issues, I encourage you to talk with someone in Student Accounts as soon as possible to see if there are any options available for you.  Plan ahead; lines at the Student Accounts Office get longer as registration gets closer!
  • If you are an undergraduate student, you will likely have a hold that says "Advisor Approval Required".  If this is your first quarter at MSOE, you are required to meet with your advisor prior to registering.  Most of our programs have 100% advising; that means that you will be required to meet with an advisor every quarter before registering.
  1. 2.)   Most undergraduate students are required to meet with their advisor prior to registering.  Graduate students are not required to meet with an advisor.
  • For most programs, you are assigned a specific person as your academic advisor.  This person will be identified on your registration form. You must make an advising appointment.  Typically at registration time, the advisors post signup sheets on their door for advising appointments.
  • Prior to meeting with your advisor, you should look at your curriculum sheet or flowchart to see what courses you should be taking.  If you do not have a curriculum sheet, you should get one from your advisor or from the administrative assistant in your academic department; the Registrar’s Office does not have these.
  • After you figure out your classes, write the course numbers in the boxes on your registration form.  Even if you are planning to register on the website, you should fill in this part of your registration form prior to meeting with your advisor;some advisors prefer that you leave their office with a signed form indicating which courses were approved.  Bring the form with you to your advising appointment.  You probably want to write the course numbers in pencil in case you need to alter the course list after talking with your advisor.  Your advisor does not care about the sections (times) of the courses, he/she will just want to see the courses that you plan to take. 
  • Once your advisor approves your classes, do not change these classes without speaking with your advisor.  There can often be negative consequences (like needing to stay here an extra year).
  • Be honest with your advisor
  1. 3.) Thereare instructions for using the Scheduler Program and web registration available at http://www.msoe.edu/docs/DOC-1962for undergraduate students or http://www.msoe.edu/docs/DOC-5455for graduate students.
  2. 4.)   Determine the sections of the classes using our Scheduler program.  Scheduler is not yet available, but should be up and running by the end of the week.
    • Use the Scheduler program to find a schedule. Finding a schedule in Scheduler does not mean you are registered.  You must go into myMSOE to register for the classes.
    • A “section” is just the way we note the different meeting times for each class.  Each of those specific meetings has a section number.  There may only be one section of a specific class or there could be a dozen sections.  You will need to know the specific section number to register in myMSOE.
    • Sections of classes will become full as registration progresses; so, make sure you check Scheduler as close to your registration time as possible to make sure your desired sections are still available.
  3. 5.) Log into my.msoe.edu and register for classes.
  4. 6.)   How do I know I am really registered?

Find the My Schedule part of the Student page.  The courses for which you are registered will show on the screen.   For the most part, rooms are not assigned until most people have registered so that we know the number of students enrolled in each course.  You should print a schedule right before classes start to make sure you have the most up-to-date classrooms and instructors before going to your first day of class.






Why can't I register for a certain class via the website?

There are a few things that would make it impossible for you to add a class via myMSOE.  If any of these things apply to you, please contact our office for assistance.  You can register for all of the rest of your classes on the web.

  • Your course requires a permission slip.  (You must bring the permission slip to our office.)
  • You are a graduate student taking an undergraduate course or an undergraduate student taking a graduate course.
  • You are registering for two courses that have a time conflict.
  • The section of the course is full. 
  • You are trying to register for more than 19 credits.

What if a class I need is full?

The only person who can approve an overload to a full section is the Department Chairperson that oversees the class.  Please refer to theRequest to Enter a Full Section of a Classdocument for contact information. Please try alternate schedules before contacting the department representative.  You will need to have a legitimate reason to be added to a full section if there are other options available to you. There is no guarantee that you will be allowed to register for a full section of a class.  If possible, register for the rest of your classes.  That will hold your place in those classes while you try to find another section of the full class that works for you. Your other option is to wait to see if someone drops out of the section that you need. 

Can I change my schedule after I register?

Yes, you can make changes to your schedule until Friday of the first week of the quarter at 4:30 pm.



  If you have any questions, feel free to email me or stop by the Registrar’s Office (CC365), and we would be happy to answer them for you.  Thanks for reading all the way to the end! 

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