Thank you for your service and our freedom!
Happy Veterans Day!
Full Classes
If you are running into issues with classes being full, there are a few strategies.
- Don’t panic. Classes don’t start until November 30th, so you have some time to get this figured out.
- The first step should always be to see if you can get any complete schedules with open sections. This may mean that you cannot register for the specific time or instructor you desire, but the most important thing is getting a schedule that has all of your classes on it. You may not love your final schedule, but remember these classes are only for 11 weeks, and then you will have new classes.
- Register for as many classes as you can. So, for example, if you can register for three classes and all of the sections of the fourth class are full, put yourself in the three classes before they become full. Then work on the fourth class.
- If you can’t register for everything, and if you need to register for lab classes, try to get registered for those classes. The capacity of lab classes are often harder to overload due to equipment limitations or safety issues.
- You have the option to petition to get into a full section of a class. It is not guaranteed that you will be able to add a full section of a class, but you can try. Each academic department has its own process for evaluating whether a specific section of a class can be over-filled. There is specific departmental information available at Please note that the Registrar’s Office does not keep waitlists.
- Scheduler does not automatically create options that include full sections; however, if all sections of a class are full, you can go into the screen where all of the sections are listed and check the boxes to the left of the sections to include them in the scheduling options. That will help you know which sections will work with your other classes so that you can petition the academic departments for those specific sections.
- Another option is to wait a bit and keep checking to see what is open. There will be quite a few schedule changes in the coming weeks; many changes will happen when grades are recorded because people do better or worse than expected in their fall classes. When schedules change, there is a bit of a domino effect; there is always a possibility that a seat in the class or section you need (or prefer) will open up.
If you need assistance, please stop by the Registrar’s Office (CC365).
Good luck on finals. Study hard. Don’t forget to sleep. Take a deep breath. Eat a vegetable or two. You’ve got this. J
Mary Nielsen
Cans Across the Conference
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but not everyone can look forward to the yummy scrumptious dinners that most do. On Friday, the women’s softball team and men’s volleyball team will be hosting a can collection drive “Cans Across the Conference” at the Men’s Hockey game. This is a chance to donate any cans of food (soup, stew, chili, vegetables, fruit, etc) to help those in need! There’s a small competition attached to the org that donates the most, but let’s not try to win, let’s try to make some other person’s Thanksgiving better thanks to our donations.
That being said, if you have any cans you would like to donate, bring them to the Men’s Hockey game this Friday night and drop them off and cheer on our men’s hockey team!
Can Across the Conference
Happy Week 10 SWEsters!
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but not everyone can look forward to the yummy scrumptious dinners that most do. On Friday, the women’s softball team and men’s volleyball team will be hosting a can collection drive “Cans Across the Conference” at the Men’s Hockey game. This is a chance to donate any cans of food (soup, stew, chili, vegetables, fruit, etc) to help those in need! There’s a small competition attached to the org that donates the most, but let’s not try to win, let’s try to make some other person’s Thanksgiving better thanks to our donations. That being said, if you have any cans you would like to donate, bring them to the Men’s Hockey game this Friday night and drop them off and cheer on our men’s hockey team!
Go Raiders!
P.S. Don’t forget about tye-dying tshirts on Friday at noon! We look forward to seeing you all
- Your SWE Officers –
MSOE wins two Stemmy awards
The 2015 Excellence in STEM Awards – the Stemmys were presented at the 11th annual sySTEMnow Conference on Oct. 27. MSOE receives two Stemmys: one for the Carter Academy and a second for the GE Girls at MSOE program.
In the education category, MSOE received a Stemmy in recognition of the Carter Academy. The award is given to the educational institution whose curriculum, individual activities, and/or overall program demonstrates a unique approach and/or unparalleled commitment to promoting STEM awareness and improving the STEM competency of K-12 students. The Carter Academy at MSOE was established in 2013 to deliver an intense academic pre-college program for potentially qualified students who wish to enroll at MSOE, but need further development of their math, science and writing skills. The program bridges the gap from high school to MSOE for students who show high academic potential and an interest in pursuing a STEM-related career. It was made possible thanks to an endowed gift from Dr. Gene and Mrs. Patricia Carter.
In the partnership category, MSOE and GE Healthcare were recognized for the GE Girls at MSOE program. The award is given to the business, governmental agency, association, foundation or other organization whose educational outreach efforts, in partnership with individual students and/or local schools demonstrates a unique approach and/or unparalleled commitment to promoting STEM awareness and improving the STEM competency of K-12 students. MSOE and GE Healthcare have partnered to offer this program every year since 2012. Its purpose is to inspire middle school girls to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) through engaging and challenging hands-on experiences using STEM skills in collaboration with women role models currently working in related industries.
Milwaukee School of Engineering is an independent, non-profit university with about 2,800 students that was founded in 1903. MSOE offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, business and nursing. The university has a national academic reputation; longstanding ties to business and industry; dedicated professors with real-world experience; a 96% placement rate; and the highest ROI and average starting salaries of any Wisconsin university according to PayScale Inc. MSOE graduates are well-rounded, technologically experienced and highly productive professionals and leaders.
SUB Meeting Minutes - Nov-11-2015
Hi everyone!
Please see the meeting minutes from tonight's meeting attached.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for an event, feel free to contact Libby Donohew at or Luke Muller at, or any of the other SUB executive officers and we would love to help!
Faculty/Staff: Benefits Meeting
Learn more about the plans and to get answers to any questions that you may have about your employee benefits.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
6:00 pm in the Multi Purpose Room (CC Building)
Faculty/Staff: Individual Retirement Review Meetings
Christopher Stephens of TIAA-CREF will be on campus December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and is available to meet with faculty and staff who would like more information about 403(b) plans offered through MSOE. Space is limited, so go online at to schedule your appointment or call 800 732-8353!
Faculty/Staff: Retirement Review Meeting
Christopher Stephens of TIAA-CREF will be on campus December 2nd, and 3rd and is available to meet with faculty and staff who would like more information about 403(b) plans offered through MSOE. Space is limited, so go online at to schedule your appointment or call 800 732-8353!
Faculty/Staff: Retirement Review Meeting
Christopher Stephens of TIAA-CREF will be on campus December 3rd and is available to meet with faculty and staff who would like more information about 403(b) plans offered through MSOE. Space is limited, so go online at to schedule your appointment or call 800 732-8353!
PEAK December 2015 Presenter Bios
MSOE TRAVEL POLICY (2015-11-11).doc
RHA Meeting
RHA Meeting
MSOE Graduate Program Learning Options
Bestowing of the Kente
Friday, November 20, 2015
6 p.m.
Alumni Partnership Center
1120 N Broadway
You are personally invited to attend the Celebration Ceremony of The Bestowing of the Kente honoring African American graduating students. This festivity allows MSOE graduates to be recognized for their accomplishments while celebrating their heritage. This ceremony serves as an opportunity for the student, parents, faculty, staff, and friends to gather and celebrate their achievements. Additionally, this celebration ceremony offers an opportunity for graduating students of color to acknowledge someone that inspired them along their educational journey.
Final Exams Schedule Fall 2015 (2016 Q1)
is the hockey game tonight going to be live streamed on the internet or is there a radio station that will live stream it?
We would like to see or hear tonight's and tomorrow's hockey games. Please share if there a way through the internet to do this.
Thank you