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Money Monday: December 21st, 2015


It's finally break time! After you've caught up on sleep, friend, and family time, why not use the next two weeks to apply to a scholarship or two? We promise that we will not pull a Steve Harvey and tell you that you've won if you haven't, but the only way to win is to apply!



Added Today

CE Students: $500 NSA Mathematics and Computer Science Student Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

Nursing Students: $2,500 AfterCollege/AACN Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

High School Seniors through College Juniors: $1,000 Dr. Juan Andrade, Jr. Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders - DUE December 31st, 2015

High School Seniors: $2,000 AFSCME Family Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

EE Students: $500 NSA Electrical Engineering Student Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

Business Students: $500 AfterCollege Business Student Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

Business Students: $500 Mutual of Omaha Finance Careers Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

Engineering Students: $1,000 STEM Inclusion Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

Engineering Students: $500 AfterCollege Engineering Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015

Engineering Students: $2,000 Measurement Science Conference Scholarship - DUE January 11th, 2016

MSOE AE, CM, CVE, EE, & ME Students: $3,500 Boldt Company Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 4th, 2016

MSOE ME students Only: $4,000 WAICU/ATI-Ladish Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 11th, 2016

Incoming MSOE Freshman & Current MSOE Freshman: $3,000 - $6,000 Raymond G. & Louella Brown Scholarship - DUE February 15th, 2016



Incoming MSOE Freshman (current high school seniors) and current MSOE Freshman ONLY: $5,000 Daniel J. Moceri, '76 Scholarship - DUE January 15th, 2015

MSOE AE, CM, CVE, EE, & ME Students: $3,500 Boldt Company Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 4th, 2016

MSOE ME students Only: $4,000 WAICU/ATI-Ladish Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 11th, 2016

Incoming MSOE Freshman & Current MSOE Freshman: $3,000 - $6,000 Raymond G. & Louella Brown Scholarship - DUE February 15th, 2016


Enjoy your time off and wishing those who celebrate a very Merry Christmas and/or Happy Kwanzaa!



What You Shouldn't Say to Your Professor | 2 Minutes of Payne


Season 2: Things Business Students, Faculty, and Staff Say at MSOE

Business students Hallie and Sam push the boundaries when speaking with their professor, Dr. Payne.

Website Help for New Employees

Expense Report 2016

Expense Report 2015 (Previous Year)

International Admission - Country Specific Requirements


Money Monday: January 11th, 2016


I'm filled with conflicting emotions today. On the one hand, I'm extremely happy that the Packers won yesterday and will be playing one more week. But, on the other hand, I'm extremely saddened by news of David Bowie's passing. The world lost an incredible artist.


If you aren't a Packer fan, a football fan, or a Bowie fan, then today is just a really cold Monday. Gross. Hopefully some of these scholarships will warm you up! This is the time of year, roughly now through April, that is often seen as peak scholarship season - especially for high school seniors and any scholarships that will be tied to summer internships. I've posted both of those here and will continue to, as always.


In order to get you all prepared for all of the applications you are about to see, our office in conjunction with Career Services, RCAS, and Development are putting on a great event with FREE PIZZA for you to learn all about scholarships next week Wednesday, January 20th at 5:00 pm, so check it out:Earn FREE Money, Eat FREE Pizza: Scholarships 101. Hope to see you there!




Added This Week

High School Seniors: $20,000 Dell Scholars Program - DUE January 15th, 2016

High School Seniors: $5,000 SAE / Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies Scholarship - DUE January 15th, 2016

College Sophomores & Juniors: $7,500 Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship - DUE January 22nd, 2016

College Engineering & MIS Students: $5,000 Wayne V. Black Memorial Scholarship - DUE January 29th, 2016

College Students: $9,500 Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship + Paid Internship - DUE January 29th, 2016

College Students: Full Tuition + Internship Microsoft Scholarship - DUE January 31st, 2016

Students Grades 6 through 12: $5,000 DuPont Challenge - DUE January 31st, 2016

High School Seniors: $1,000 Fuels and Petrochemicals Scholarship - DUE January 31st, 2016

College Engineering Students: $5,000 Energy Efficiency Experts of Tomorrow Scholarship - DUE February 1st, 2016

College Students: $2,000 WI Space Grant Consortium Scholarship - DUE February 1st, 2016

MSOE CE, EE, ME, or SE students: $27,258 Johnson Controls Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 11th, 2016

High School Seniors through Graduate Students interested in the Electric/Energy Industry: $3,000 RMEL Foundation Scholarship - DUE February 11th, 2016

ALL College Students: $5,000 Student Essay Contest - DUE March 1st, 2016

High School Seniors: $10,000 Generation Google Scholarship - DUE March 3rd, 2016



Incoming MSOE Freshman (current high school seniors) and current MSOE Freshman ONLY: $5,000 Daniel J. Moceri, '76 Scholarship - DUE January 15th, 2015

MSOE AE, CM, CVE, EE, & ME Students: $3,500 Boldt Company Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 4th, 2016

MSOE CE, EE, ME, or SE students: $27,258 Johnson Controls Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 11th, 2016

MSOE ME students Only: $4,000 WAICU/ATI-Ladish Scholarship + Internship - DUE February 11th, 2016

Incoming MSOE Freshman & Current MSOE Freshman: $3,000 - $6,000 Raymond G. & Louella Brown Scholarship - DUE February 15th, 2016


Due This Week

Incoming MSOE Freshman (current high school seniors) and current MSOE Freshman ONLY: $5,000 Daniel J. Moceri, '76 Scholarship - DUE January 15th, 2015

High School Seniors: $20,000 Dell Scholars Program - DUE January 15th, 2016

High School Seniors: $5,000 SAE / Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies Scholarship - DUE January 15th, 2016





Best of luck to all who apply!

ESL Policies

CLOSED: Engineering Students: $2,000 Measurement Science Conference Scholarship - DUE January 11th, 2016


Science, engineering, and quality assurance students can apply for this scholarship of up to $2,000. The other criteria are:

  • 3.0 GPA
  • US Citizen


For more information and to apply, please click here.


Best of luck to all who apply!

CLOSED: High School Seniors through College Juniors: $1,000 Dr. Juan Andrade, Jr. Scholarship for Young Hispanic Leaders - DUE December 31st, 2015


Applicant must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student, in a four-year or two-year institution in the U.S. or U.S. territories, and demonstrate a verifiable need for financial support. At least one parent must be of Hispanic ancestry.


For more information and to apply, please click HERE.


Best of luck to those who apply!

CLOSED: High School Seniors: $2,000 AFSCME Family Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015


High School seniors who have a parent or grandparent that is a member of AFSCME are eligible to apply for this scholarship. There are no GPA requirements or prospective major requirements.


To apply for and learn more about this $2,000 scholarship, please click here.


Best of luck to all who apply!

CLOSED: EE Students: $500 NSA Electrical Engineering Student Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015


This scholarship is available to students who are majoring in Electrical Engineering. Other criteria include:

  • 3.0 GPA
  • U.S. Citizen
  • College student


For more information and to apply for this scholarship, please click here.


Best of luck to all who apply!

CLOSED: Business Students: $500 AfterCollege Business Student Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015


Students majoring in various fields of business are eligible to apply. You must be enrolled in college and have a 3.0 GPA.


For more information and to apply, please click here.


Best of luck to those who apply!

CLOSED: Business Students: $500 Mutual of Omaha Finance Careers Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015


You must be enrolled in college and have a 3.0 GPA to apply.


For more information and to apply, please click here.


Best of luck to those who apply!

CLOSED: Engineering Students: $1,000 STEM Inclusion Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015


Open to currently enrolled students working toward a degree in a field of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics from a group underrepresented in their field of study. Underrepresented groups may be defined by: gender, race, ethnic background, disability, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, nationality and other non-visible differences.


There are no citizenship requirements. But you must have a 3.0 GPA.


For more information and to apply, please click here.


Best of luck to those who apply!

CLOSED: Engineering Students: $500 AfterCollege Engineering Scholarship - DUE December 31st, 2015


Students majoring in any field of engineering are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Other criteria include:

  • 3.0 GPA
  • Current college student


For more information and to apply, please click here.


Best of luck to all who apply!

Information Session - Study Abroad in Lille, France


Please join us for an information session to acquaint you with the

2016 Summer Study Abroad Program

at Lille Catholic University in Lille, France

Session 1: May 30 to June 25, 2016

Session 2: June 28 to July 23, 2016


The information meeting will be held on

Friday, January 22, 2016 at noon in the Library L309

A panel of students that attended Lille in 2015 summer will be there to answer your questions.


Once again the ME Dept. is pleased to announce a Summer Study Abroad opportunity for all MSOE students to attend Lille Catholic University in Lille, France.


·        No French language skills necessary!

    • Approved transferrable courses and their course equivalents (6 transfer credits for 2 courses).
    • The program cost of $2908 US includes tuition, single occupancy dorm accommodations, meal pass, health/travel insurance, field trips to Belgium and 5 group dinners.  This does not include air nor rail travel,  excursions nor expenses.  Total cost may be approximately $5500 US.
    • Student applications and travel abroad forms are due to MSOE by March 1, 2016.
    • For information about Lille Catholic University visit Lille’s website at http://www.univ-catholille.fr/european-summer-program/esp.asp
  • Then, contact Anne Deisinger at 277-7381 or at deisinger@msoe.edu  to schedule an appointment for application forms and travel abroad information prior to March 1st.
  • Meet with your advisor to determine track, coursework and eligibility.

Night on the Strip - Winter Formal



Last year, Sigma Phi Delta hosted MSOE's first formal- The Red Carpet Formal. This year, we are hosting the second annual formal- A Night on the Strip. Tombz plays 8-10, Anctics take the stage at 10.


Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door.

Listen to the Antics:


Listen to Tombz:


Donate to Safe Babies Directly:

Proceeds benefit Safe Babies:
Take a look at last years formal:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJWvKuaiJPk
* https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.623419877762929.1073741842.320804224691164&type=3
* https://www.instagram.com/p/y4_uX8spCU/



Reporting Federal Work-Study on the FAFSA

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